Sunday, September 17, 2006

I wish I could be
something beyond what you see
maybe a hero
with a secret identity

that behind my glasses
lie the strengh you need
that when danger comes
there I can be

beacuase of the love inside of me

I wish to your eyes
that I could be
that one star
we all need to see

I wish I could fly
write in the sky everything you mean to me
to let you know
what I can't show
that you inspire the hero in me

just beacuase the love inside me

no I don't need a mask
that's not the hero I wish to be
I wish that without you having to ask
I could give you what you need

I can't fly
I'm not that strong
I just wish that in your heart
I could belong

but all that I am is all I can give
I don't know if a hero I can be
all I know is that every day I live
and your all that I wish to see


copyright de Luis Torres Lamboy


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